TAL User Defined Language for Notepad++

Updated: Version 1.1 – enabled folding on BEGIN and END, line commenting fix.

Coding in TAL has been much easier using the new technology available in these days. Notepad++ is one of many text editors that provide a syntax hilight to make easier programmer to do coding.

TAL UDL Notepad++

Using this user defined language, will allow Notepad++ to do syntax hilighting on your TAL sourcecode.


  1. Make sure you are using the latest Notepad++ version, and already downloaded the TAL UDL
  2. Run Notepad++
  3. Select Define your language from Language menu
  4. User Defined Language dialog box will appear
  5. Click Import button, an select downloaded TAL UDL (Unzip first)
  6. Restart your Notepad++


  1. Open your TAL source code
  2. Select TAL from Language menu


TAL Language Definition for Notepad++ (2738 downloads)